Download NBA Roster Updates for NBA 2K14
Med's NBA Roster Files
Current Version: v12.2View Changelog
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NBA Appdata Files
Appdata Files
- Contains the necessary Roster and Sliders files for the newest update (v12.2).
- Includes Two Variants of the Settings (All-Star & Hall of Fame)
NBA Main Directory Files
Main Directory Files 1 Main Directory Files 7
Main Directory Files 2 Main Directory Files 8
Main Directory Files 3 Main Directory Files 9
Main Directory Files 4 Main Directory Files 10
Main Directory Files 5 Main Directory Files 11
Main Directory Files 6 Main Directory Files 12
- Contains the necessary Court, Cyberface, Jersey and Shoes files.
Portrait File
Universal Portrait Project
Universal Portrait Project
- Contains the Portrait file compatible with NBA, FIBA, PBA & Kuroko V Slam Dunk rosters.
Animations File
Seushiro's Animation Mod
Seushiro's Animation Mod
- Contains the necessary Animations file required for FIBA, PBA, NBA & Kuroko V Slam Dunk rosters.
Official Online Data
Official Online Data
- Contains the necessary Online Data files by 2K Sports.
Collaborator Update Packs
30-Team Court Update Pack Kieler 2K's 16-Team Playoffs Crowd Pack
- Contains the Floors files that updates the NBA courts to the 2016-2017 NBA season.
- Contains the Team files that updates the crowds for the 16 Playoff teams from regular crowds to Playoff crowds.
Miscellaneous Files (Medevenx Series)
NBA Logos File
2017-2018 NBA Logos
2017-2018 NBA Logos
- Contains the Logos files for Med's NBA Roster, compatible with FIBA 2K, PBA 2K & Kuroko V Slam Dunk rosters.
NBA Scoreboard Logos
2017-2018 NBA Scoreboard Logos
2017-2018 NBA Scoreboard Logos
- Contains the updated Scoreboard Logos files for NBA, compatible with the default NBA 2K scoreboard file for the Med's NBA Roster.
NBA Video Game Cover Athletes Icons
- Contains the Icon files with the NBA 2K15/16/17/18 & NBA Live 14/15/16/18 Cover Athletes.
NBA All-Star Weekend Presentation Files
- Contains the optional presentation files for the 2015/16/17 NBA All-Star Weekend.
NBA 2K18/Vanilla Presentation & Global
NBA 2K18/Vanilla Presentation Package
NBA 2K18/Vanilla Presentation Package
- Contains the optional NBA 2K18 Jukebox by Retroswald13, PlayStation Buttons, Headlines, Frontend_Sync, Gamedata & Global files for the 2017-2018 NBA season.
NBA 2K17/18 Title Screens
NBA 2K17/18 Title Screens
NBA 2K17/18 Title Screens
- Contains the optional NBA 2K17/18 Titlescreens & Bootup for the 2017-2018 NBA season.