Seushiro's Animation Mod
Seushiro's Animation Mod is THE animation mod required for Med's NBA Roster, FIBA 2K, PBA 2K, and Kuroko V Slam Dunk.
Seushiro, a major contributor to Kuroko V Slam Dunk, adds new jump shot animations, replacing the duplicate animations in the Player Signature Shots section (shot animations with Player Names). This is REQUIRED for all rosters from the series. It is more than just an animation mod, however, and provides some improved gameplay features as well. The animation files are required for all of the rosters from our series. The tunedata file, however, which edits the gameplay, is optional, but recommended.
Current Version: v3.1b Beta
Release Date: June 20, 2016
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Seushiro's Animation Mod Development Thread
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- Adjusted speeds of cross-over, spins, and behind the back dribbles
- Pick and Roll Improvement where the Center stays longer blocking the defenders on the switch but leaves the pick faster if a fade is selected
- Fixed the speed of dribbling away from opponents
- Speed of launches have been increased to blow by defenders
- Speed of standing Dribbles increased to confuse opponents
- Open up the sliders more to give way to Post and Wing plays
- Adjusted Stamina and Fatigue rate. (Players do not recover fast even in bench so needed to up the sliders a bit)
- Removed weak blocks from the game which just makes you go up in the air but with hands not raised
- Replaced blocks in the paint where you are beside an opponent and time the block button right yet he can make the lay up, but you have to gather a long hopstep before you jump up to the air for a block
- Post Engage speeds advantage
- Post spin move gives defenders a slight delay so you can be free more after successful win
- Post spin neutral gives ball handler slight speed advantage in case wants to force shot
- Increased speed of in-out dribbles as suggested
- Increased handle speed for smoother transitions
- Updated tunedata.iff default courtesy of adiknbafan
- Added win animations for dribbling double team scenarios
(Seushiro's Animation 2nd Video Preview)
(Seushiro's Animation 1st Video Preview)