Coach Tab Baldwin (Philippines) & Coach Gong Luming (China)
How is everybody enjoying FIBA 2K14 v3.0 so far? We've received a TON of good feedback from the users. We're glad you're liking all of the improvements! We've been going straight at it for months with this update. It took us more than half a year just to make since our original previews of FIBA 2K14 were way back in late January this year. Of course, other than the positive feedback, we've also received some reports on bugs, glitches, and errors on our part. Here is a brief description of the fixes, and minor updates we've put in.
Missing Cyberfaces
After realizing that not all users of FIBA 2K14 are familiar with the NBA Roster Updates from the Medevenx series, we've reuploaded all of the Cyberface Packs (Parts 1 & 2) for missing cyberfaces. Reports on missing cyberfaces for Nick Calathes of Greece (former Memphis Grizzly), Dante Exum (Utah Jazz), etc. were received on the initial release and have been fixed.
Missing Stadiums
We were missing the Oceania 2015 (New Zealand & Australia) stadiums in Part 4 (Courts) even though the stadiums were in the full pack so Part 4 has been reuploaded to include both stadiums.
Performance Issues
There have also been reports that users have been experiencing lag in their game which is most probably due to the very HD courts we've released. If we do confirm that it was not meant for low-end PCs, we will definitely make it a point to update the courts to make it more playable for those who cannot really play on too high video settings.
Download the fixes & updates here!
We actually forgot to update the coaches for the Philippines and China in the 2015 Zone rosters. No need to download any new cyberface packs though, just redownload the Appdata Files cos this is a really minor roster update that we'll still call it v3.0. We've also included some updates to the jersey numbers for the players of Gilas Pilipinas 3.0 (Philippines) as officially released by the PBA last night. We also corrected Selem Safar's (Argentina) shooting hand in this minor update and updated some ratings for 2015 FIBA Zone rosters. If you're expecting portraits for Gilas 3.0, don't because we hope to update the portrait project if FIBA Asia releases official portraits for all of the Asian teams
More Information
More detailed information on the current features of FIBA 2K14 will be released this weekend. We have a lot of features in FIBA 2K14 that we haven't really tackled in great detail yet. We want to bring you the full FIBA 2014 World Cup experience with the 2014 World Cup rosters. Nontheless, we have also started working on our next update: FIBA 2K14 v4.0 to feature AfroBasket 2015 updates. More new concepts and ideas have been thought of recently that have already been shared with the FIBA 2K Modding Team. Our future updates will focus on bringing more presentation files for FIBA 2K14, such as a new scoreboard, icon file, title screens, promotional images, as well as bring of course, the updated rosters.
In Case You Missed It:
Check out the article on the initial release of FIBA 2K14 v3.0 here!