#MedSpeaks Series
In my personal attempt to make reading for the users more casual-sounding and interactive, we just had to bring the original Facebook posts here to the website. Of course, the interactions will still be on Facebook, and future articles will be posted completely on Facebook, with existing links on the website as well and will not split the article into a shortened version on Facebook like most websites. The series is about my personal thoughts, and opinions as an individual, usually on certain aspects of modifying such as the experience of modding itself, thoughts on other mods, and other things I ever choose to bring up. This series does not reflect, in any way, the thoughts of other related modders that I collaborate with, making the opinions solely my own.
I brought this to the website because it's difficult to find the posts on Facebook if you wanted to go back and read them. This also exists for those that haven't read some of them yet, or don't follow us on Facebook and might be interested in these posts. The posts are always genuinely written and thought out, and always have a point to them, that's why I don't often write these articles, only when necessary.
If you're a member of the NLSC community, it's a great place for all modders to come and share their work, discuss new modding knowledge and information, etc. There's been a lot of commotion lately regarding totalrebound's cancelled global project. It had all of these claims on a new thing for globals called "nano technology", etc. Long story short, he ended up not releasing the global.
I brought this up because tomorrow (while I am uploading files for the scheduled FIBA 2K14 & Kuroko V Slam Dunk updates), I'll be talking about unreleased mods. Those mods that are always only previews and are never released. I'm talking about NEVER, not those that take too long due to development issues. We discuss why this happens, if some modders intentionally do this, or if they are granted the misfortune of doing so. A lot of times the community has a LOT to do with mods being unreleased, and we'll discuss that further tomorrow.
Links to Previous Articles
Here are links to previous articles I've written before: