New Player Portraits
All new players to be added to the next NBA roster update have had portraits added to the Universal Portrait Project. The other rookies in the most recent NBA roster update that did not have portraits in the previous portrait update also receive portraits now. These players complete the rosters for the 2016-2017 NBA season, that is going through its final testing phase before it is released. You can check out the progress on the NBA roster through the Facebook page or through the NLSC development thread.
Besides the Universal Portrait Project update and the NBA roster update coming very soon, more effort will be put into finally updating the Universal CF ID List to include all cyberfaces from all mods (NBA, PBA, FIBA, KvS). However, the list may be changed in its original format from TXT (Text/Notepad) to XLS (Worksheet/Excel) format to break down the CF IDs per mod.
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