Updated Logos

Since all of our logos are compatible with each other, meaning you can play any of the rosters using any mod without having mixed up logos, files, etc., all of the logos files for Med's NBA Roster, PBA 2K, FIBA 2K and Kuroko V Slam Dunk Feat. Dear Boys have been updated to replace the old Portland Trail Blazers logo with the new one. These files are located in the respective Downloads sections of each mod in the website.
Updated Scoreboard Logo

The new logo also warrants a new scoreboard logo update which we also include in the Downloads section of the website under the 2017-2018 NBA Scoreboard Logos link. This updates all of your scoreboard logos for the teams with new logos up to the 2017-2018 NBA Season. This pack, however, is only compatible with the Default NBA 2K Scoreboard and is not compatible with any other scoreboard.
To download the updated logos & scoreboard logos for the Portland Trail Blazers for the mod you are currently using, please proceed to the Download sections (linked down below) and re-download the Logos files for that mod.